Chronic back pain is one of the leading reasons for disability throughout the globe. It’s also a common issue to miss work or consult a doctor. Luckily, one can easily avoid back pains with proper preventive measures and treatments.

As back pain can cause intense episodes of discomfort, knowing the causes and taking preventive measures are pretty important. Also, if preventative measures are not sufficient, looking for a cure can provide you comfort as well.

For the benefit of our readers, today, we will be discussing the causes and solutions of back pain. Also, at the end of this article, we will discuss an excellent technology to help you with back pain as well. Keep reading for the best benefit.



Back pain commonly occurs due to muscle straining. The pain can feel either throbbing, burning, stabbing, or even shooting in some cases. Sometimes the situation can get worse, and even light movement can intensify the pain.

Sometimes the pain can radiate in your legs and arms as well. If the pain stays for weeks, doesn’t improve with rest, numbs the legs especially extends below the knee, consult your doctor immediately.

In some instances, back pain may appear due to severe health conditions. If you have any additional bladder condition, develop a fever, or the pain initiated with a fall or other accidents, make sure to visit a doctor immediately.

Causes of Back Pain

Injuries and spinal degeneration are the primary causes of back pain. Often, you may not be able to identify the exact cause of back pain. An imaging study can be done to identify the exact cause. The most common causes of back pain are:

  • Muscle or ligament strain; poor muscle condition can cause strain or pain in the muscles too often.
  • Rupturing or bulging disks: The bone marrow of the spine can go through bulging or rupturing if there’s a problem with the nerves.
  • Arthritis: This condition often affects the lower back of the spine and can narrow the space around the spinal cord.
  • Osteoporosis: This back pain occurs when the bones become less dense and brittle. These are the back pain cases that are being handled at pain management Annapolis MD and schedule an appointment with them.

Triggers of Back Pain

Anyone can develop back pain at any age. However, there are some definitive factors that can trigger this pain. These include:

  • Age: Older adults are mostly seen to suffer from back pain. With age, the brittleness of bones increases a lot, and bone density decreases. This initiates the pain symptoms.
  • Excessive Weight: More body weight puts more stress on the spine.
  • Diseases: Some diseases like cancer can contribute to loss of strength in the spine and cause back pain.
  • Heavy Lifting in Improper Way: Using the back instead of the legs while lifting heavy loads can pave the way for developing back pain.
  • Smoking: Smoking can block the blood flow path towards the spine and increase the risk of osteoporosis.


Prevention is always better than cure. So, you should take the necessary measures to keep your spine healthy and remove the causes of back pain. Here are a few ways to maintain spine health:

  • Exercising: Regular and proper exercise routines can effectively strengthen your back. It keeps your spine function better and increases flexibility. You can adopt walking, running, even swimming in your daily routine for preventing back pain.
  • Building muscle strength and flexibility: Various abdominal and back muscle exercises can effectively protect your back from developing back pain. It keeps all the muscles working in harmony and provides substantial protection against back pain.
  • Maintaining healthy body weight: Trimming down body weight removes the extra strain on the spine. Therefore, the risk of developing back pain shrinks.
  • Stop smoking: Once you quit smoking, your body goes under a cleansing phase. It highly helps in removing any harmful substances from stopping the blood flow and protects the good health of the spine.


If you have developed back pain, it can give you much trouble. So, to ease the trouble, you can adopt any measures given below:

  1. Move your spine. It will make your pain less intense.
  2. Stretch and flex the muscles as much as you can. For a better stretch, you can use the QL claw.
  3. Maintain good posture while sitting, standing, even lying down.
  4. Press the area with ice or a hot towel.
  5. If the pain is intolerable, use prescribed pain medications
  6. Rub medicated cream in the area of the pin. It helps in increasing blood flow in the area.
  7. Put a rolled towel in the back while lying down. It will remove extra tension from your back.

Light Therapy for Back Pain

Light therapy has gained a certain buzz for pain relief in the past few years. For its versatile benefits, many people have adopted this therapy in their lives and gained certain benefits.

Light therapy naturally energizes the body cells. The energized body cells then provide healthy growth and healing effects to the body. When light therapy is administered in the spine, the cells receive the benefits and increase circulation.

On the other hand, light therapy can improve the flexibility of the muscles and get rid of unwanted pain with ease. With the help of light therapy, it is possible to keep the optimum bone density for a longer time.

In a nutshell, we can easily say light therapy is an all-in-one solution for back pain. It can help in both preventing and curing back pain.

Final Words

Back pain can be disturbing, but it is curable as well. Looking for preventive measures rather than curing is highly recommended in any case.

If you don’t have much time, try light therapy. It won’t take much time from your busy life and will provide you numerous health benefits.

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