One half of three-quarters of a teaspoon is equivalent to three eighths, or 0.375 teaspoons. Multiplying the fraction 1/2 by 3/4 is one approach for obtaining the fractional representation of 3/8.
To multiply two fractions, one multiplies the top numbers, or numerators, of each fraction, followed by the bottom numbers, or denominators. If the answer cannot be expressed in the simplest terms, it must be simplified.
Converting the fractions 1/2 and 3/4 to decimals is a second approach for obtaining the decimal representation of 0.375 teaspoons. To convert a fraction to a decimal, the numerator must be divided by the denominator. In decimal form, half is 0.5 and three-quarters is 0.75. When multiplying 0.5 and 0.75, the result is 0.375.
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