Digital signage is a worthwhile investment for most retailers. In fact, research shows that 68% of customers say they’d be more inclined to buy products advertised on digital displays.

In addition, research from Nielson found that 80% of grocery stores with digital signage increased their sales by 33%. Also, a study conducted by Custom Neon showed that 79% of consumers believe that signage reflects the quality of a business and the product or service offered.

In addition, research from Nielson found that 80% of grocery stores with digital signage increased their sales by 33%.

Making the decision to invest in digital signage for retail stores is easy. But what about the software needed to run it? How do you choose the right solution?


What Exactly Is Digital Signage Software?

Before you can compare retail digital signage solutions and choose the right one, you need to know more about the software used to power them.

Digital signage software is a program or cloud-based platform that allows you to create, schedule and display the content on your digital signs. In addition, content can be created and managed remotely.

Cloud Digital Signage Or On-Premise Software

When choosing retail signage software, one of the first things you’ll need to consider is whether you should use a cloud-based program or on-site software.

Both have their advantages and disadvantages in digital signage for retail. It’s important to weigh these pros and cons carefully.

Pros and Cons of Cloud Digital Signage

Cloud-based software is hosted on the cloud, so it’s accessible anytime, anywhere as long as you’re using an internet-connected device. Cloud solutions offer many advantages:

  • Accessible anywhere – even off-site.
  • Can be updated remotely.
  • Easy to use and scale.
  • Software updates are automatic.
  • No need to invest in expensive equipment.

Of course, there are a few disadvantages of cloud solutions.

  • You must be connected to the internet to update content.
  • Depending on the provider, you may have experience downtime that can affect sales.

Pros and Cons of on-premises Software

On-premises software is installed on a desktop, laptop or other device that is on the premises. For example, the software may be installed on the computer in your shop office.

There are some advantages to the on-premises route:

  • The program can be accessed and used even without an internet connection.
  • You have more control over security and accessibility.

However, there are also some disadvantages to using this type of software.

  • You must be at your shop (or wherever the program is installed) to update the sign’s content.
  • Scaling isn’t quick or easy.
  • Updates can be tedious to install.
  • You need to have the right equipment to use the software.

If you have an old and outdated computer or worse, no computer at all, then it may be more expensive to use on-premises software.

Digital Signage Enhances the Shopping Experience

One of the main benefits of digital signage in retail is that it improves the shopping experience. Digital displays can:

  • Effectively promote products and services without interrupting the shopping experience
  • Help customers find what they need
  • Upsell products or services
  • Provide information to customers

Customers don’t want to be sold to. They want to be informed. With digital signage, sales associates can be more focused on answering questions and acting as advisors.

Signs can do the hard work of persuading customers and providing information on how a product or service can solve their pain points.

Answering questions and being informative can help nurture trust among customers, build loyalty and ultimately, increase sales.

When choosing digital signage software, make sure that it’s aligned with your goals for enhancing the shopping experience.

Digital Signage Software Guides the Customer

The digital signage software you choose should allow you to display content that guides your customers. Ultimately, the goal is to attract more foot traffic and boost sales. Digital signage can help you achieve this by:

  • Providing information about products and their prices. For example, showing a comparison of competitor prices can help convince budget-conscious consumers to make a purchase.
  • Having flash or limited sales that make customers feel inclined to buy.

Your digital signage software should help you guide the customer in their shopping experience, and it shouldn’t be an overly complicated process.

Finding the right digital signage software for your retail business can be a challenge, but the tips above can help. First, consider whether a cloud-based or on-site solution would be better for your store.

Additionally, you want to ensure that the software can help improve the shopping experience while guiding the customer towards making a purchase.

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