Back in the day, sharing documents among different computers and different operating systems used to be extremely problematic so this need led to the idea that a file format has to be created that would maintain certain fixed formatting. So, the PDF or the Portable Document Format was introduced to overcome this problem. Over time, PDF has grown and developed into one of the most popularly and widely used document formats in the world.


But on the Same Token…

MS Word is one of the most widely used word processors in the present times due to its user-friendly interface.

But meanwhile, even after all of its benefits, Convert and edit any type of document even the most loyal and sincere users do take advantage of online file converters or otherwise create PDFs versions when sending out certain confidential information like bills or handouts.

One of the biggest reasons is that word documents can be altered while PDF cannot be edited. Let me list down a few other reasons that clarify why people choose PDF over Word.

of online file converters or otherwise create PDFs versions when sending out certain confidential information like bills

or handouts. One of the biggest reasons is that because word

document can be altered while PDF cannot be edited. Let me list down a few other reasons that clarify why people choose PDF over Word.

#1. It’s Not the Same Everywhere!

Another primary reason behind people using Word to PDF converters is the inability of MS Word to keep the same formatting; instead, it reformats documents when they are opened on a different computer. This is a crucial stage for people in business presenting documents or students submitting their assignments, as all the effort and important formatting go in vain. Hence, to secure the document’s intact format, you should rather convert your word document to PDF and you can access free tool on the site by just click here.

#2. It May Becomes a Huge Mess

Now imagine opening your word document on another computer or let’s just say your instructor opens your research paper on their computer and the whole table of contents has become a mess! All of the references that you aligned can become mismatched. For report writers and big research organizations or any important business organization, all this hopscotch can be a severe nuisance. Therefore, they convert their documents to the pdf version.

#3. Word Keeps Getting Better and Advanced

MS Word may keep getting better, advanced and may get new versions every other year, but the previous ones have trouble catching up. They, by now, have multiple versions and the old versions of the software cannot properly view files that have been created in new versions which simply means you may lose some of the formatting and some of the new features may not be shown here. For example, the text in MS Word 2010 files most of the time lacks spaces when opened in older versions. On the contrary, the format of the pdf files remains the same, and it allows users to access and view files regardless of any version of Adobe Acrobat or others etc.

#4. Can’t Catch Up With Several Word Processors

There are many types of word processors available out there which simply means that you never know that some of the people you are working, collaborating or communicating with may or may not have the same software installed in their computers. They may be using some other software for accessing and creating word files. Therefore, on the other hand, PDF was created initially for this reason and has now become a universal file extension that is easily accessible through many other software programs available apart from Adobe Acrobat PDF reader. Hence, if you wish to make your file accessible for everyone, better convert it to PDF!

#5. Who Doesn’t Want to View Files in Their Mobiles?

PDF files are, by all means, more user-friendly. Many users want to shift their operations to mobile devices such as their smartphones, tablets, iPads, etc., and it’s evident that none of you wants to stay behind their peers. Many of these people convert word documents to PDF as in the latter, the files are very easy to access, and their viewing apps are usually free and available in the play store or app store. On the other hand, the apps required to view word documents are not usually free of cost, and they may charge you a bit of a penny. Furthermore, most of these apps don’t support the same features that you will find in Microsoft Word.

Wrapping Up

All the reasons listed above should encourage you to convert your documents from Word to PDF as soon as possible. Otherwise, if your Word file isn’t being displayed as you sent it, then you might face several drawbacks and embarrassment in front of the readers.

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