On a ruler, 5/8 inch is a mark that is past 1/2 inch but before 1 inch. 5/8 inch is the fifth mark from the left on a ruler that divides inches into eighths. It is the 10th mark if the ruler divides an inch into 16ths.

Find out if the ruler marks 8ths or 16ths by counting the number of marks between one inch mark and the next inch mark. Most of the time, an inch is marked by a number and a longer line. With shorter and shorter lines, half-inches, 1/4-inches, 1/8-inches, and 1/16-inches are marked. Between the left end of the ruler and the one-inch mark, there is a mark that is half an inch. 5/8 inch is the next line on a ruler that divides inches into eighths. It is two lines from the half-inch mark on a ruler that divides inches into 16ths.

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