150 millilitres (mL) is equivalent to 0.634 cups. This amount is comparable to around 5.072 ounces. A single cup is 8 ounces or 236.59 millilitres in volume.

To convert millilitres to cups, divide the amount of millilitres by 236.59. 150 millilitres divided by 236.59 gets 0.634 cups, for example. If a person had 400 millilitres, dividing 400 by 236.59 would provide 1.691 cups.

To convert cups to millilitres, multiply the number of cups by 236.59. Four cups multiplied by 236.59 millimetres equals 946.36 millimetres. One who has a half cup has 118.295 millilitres (the result of 0.5 multiplied by 236.59).

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