You’ve put a lot of time and effort into growing your business, and where you choose to set up your professional shop will have a significant impact on your continued success. An office is more than just an office. As you move your business to a new space, it’s essential to consider a few key factors.
You want to choose a space that will reflect the style and future of your business. Ask yourself if the space you are looking at can accommodate growth, meet all your technological needs, and add convenience for your customers and employees.
When you start searching for office space, getting advice and support from a professional team like The Jeff Tabor Group can help you navigate the market and get what you need. Let’s take a look at a few key ways that you can choose the best office space for your business.
We have all heard the famous real estate phrase, “Location, location, location”. This repetitive mantra helps to stress the importance of where you choose to set up your business home.
The most crucial aspect to consider when deciding on a location is easy accessibility for both your customers and your employees. If you can find a space that makes it easy for your customers to find you, park, and visit your business, you are already ahead in the game.
Take a look around the neighborhood to get an idea of how your business will fit in. Are there any amenities like a coffee shop or lunch cafe nearby for your employees?
Is there ample street or lot parking for your customers? Is the area safe with a relatively low crime rate? These are all good questions to ask yourself as you tour possible office locations.
You want to allow yourself to grow within your new location as your business expands. However, you don’t want to spend unnecessary capital leasing a warehouse-sized space if you only need a fraction of that space.
Growth can take time, but it’s essential to think ahead for your needs in the next couple of years.
In general, a comfortable and efficient office space allows for approximately 70 square feet per employee. Depending on your business style, your need for extra storage, and the general environment that you want to work in, that figure can be flexible.
Your office space should include a dedicated meeting area for your staff members, office suites for your management if necessary, a lunch area for workers, and room to expand.
Your office space’s location and size will largely dictate the price range in which you are looking. It’s important to balance an affordable option with the ability to grow.
You don’t want to end up spending more than you can afford, and having to move in a few months or downsize to something that doesn’t suit your needs.
Do some research about prices in the area to know what to expect before you tour any locations. An important guideline to help you determine affordability is whether you can spend at least three months’ rent as a deposit immediately.
Don’t forget to ask about any hidden costs and fees that could increase your monthly payments.
Office space can be an essential branding tool for your business. Although price, location, and size are more critical factors in choosing an office space, don’t discount your building style when making your choice.
Take a look around the neighborhood to see if your business is in line with the surrounding community. Although interior design can help you create your look in almost any space, consider your location’s exterior style and condition and decide if it’s going to compliment or hinder your business plans.
Your office is the place where you will expand on your business dreams and get the job done. Ensure that you consider each of these factors to help you find the best office space for your business.
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