The pound is a unit of weight, while the gallon is a unit of volume. Even though both units belong to the imperial system, it is not possible to convert pounds to gallons directly. To convert pounds to gallons, it is important to know the density of the item being measured. Peanut oil has a density of around 0.91 grammes per millilitre. 4.6 gallons of peanut oil equals 35 pounds.

1 pound is equal to 450 grammes. Multiply the number of pounds by 450 to convert pounds to grammes. 35 pounds multiplied by 450 equals 15875.7 grammes. The density equation is mass divided by volume. Mass is an alternative term for weight. To convert mass to volume, divide mass by the material’s density. 15875.7 grammes / 0.91 grammes per millilitre = 17445.82 millilitres. In 35 pounds of peanut oil, there are 17445.82 millilitres of peanut oil. One gallon contains around 4000 millilitres.

Divide the quantity of millilitres by 4000 to convert it to gallons. 17445

82 millilitres divided by 4000 equals 4.6 pounds. As a result, 35 pounds of peanut oil is equivalent to approximately 4.6 gallons of peanut oil. A rise in temperature will cause the oil’s density to decrease and its volume to grow. For every 15 degree Celsius increase in temperature, oils are projected to gain 1 percent of their overall volume.

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