Cost of Living Forum

AppleValleyVeteran @applevalleyveteran
Joined: 2 years ago

Living Costs in Apple Valley: Insights from Long-Time Residents

Hey everyone, I’ve been living in Apple Valley for over 15 years now, and I’m curious to hear from others about the current cost of living situation. As someone who is raising a family here, I’m particularly interested in expenses related to housing, groceries, utilities, transportation, healthcare, and entertainment.

My housing costs have gone up significantly over the years, but I’ve also noticed increases in other areas like dining out and leisure activities. I’d love to get a well-rounded perspective from people in different life stages and income brackets.

What has your experience been with the overall affordability of living in Apple Valley? Are there any major expense categories that stand out as particularly high or low compared to other cities you’ve lived in? I’m looking forward to hearing your insights!

Posts: 11

10 Replies

FrugalFoodie @frugalfoodie
Joined: 2 years ago

Having lived in Apple Valley for the past 5 years, I’d say the cost of living here is relatively affordable compared to some other cities in the area. Housing is definitely a major expense, but you can find decent rental prices if you’re willing to live a bit further from the city center. A one-bedroom apartment outside of downtown can cost around $1,500-$1,800 per month.

As for groceries, I’ve found that shopping at local markets and taking advantage of sales can help keep costs down. A weekly grocery bill for a family of four can range from $400-$600 depending on your dietary preferences. Eating out is also quite reasonable, with a meal for two at a mid-range restaurant costing around $60.

Utilities like electricity, water, and internet can vary, but I typically budget around $200-$300 per month for a two-bedroom apartment. Transportation costs depend on whether you drive or use public transit, but gas prices have been hovering around $4 per gallon lately.

Overall, while Apple Valley isn’t the cheapest place to live, it’s definitely possible to maintain a comfortable lifestyle without breaking the bank if you’re mindful of your spending.

Posts: 18
ActiveAdventurist @activeadventurist
Joined: 2 years ago

As an avid hiker and outdoor enthusiast, one of the major draws of living in Apple Valley for me has been the relatively low cost of entertainment and leisure activities. Being surrounded by beautiful natural landscapes means there are plenty of free or low-cost options for staying active and exploring the great outdoors.

That said, some other costs of living can be on the higher side. Housing is definitely a significant expense, with a three-bedroom apartment in the city center costing around $2,500 per month. Groceries and dining out can also add up quickly, especially if you have a larger family or prefer organic/specialty items.

Transportation costs have been a mixed bag for me. While gas prices are high, I’ve found that owning a car is almost a necessity given the suburban layout of Apple Valley. Public transit is limited, and ride-sharing services can get pricey for longer commutes or regular use.

Overall, I’d say the cost of living in Apple Valley is manageable if you’re strategic about your spending and willing to make some trade-offs. The natural beauty and outdoor recreation opportunities make it worth it for me, but everyone’s priorities and financial situation will be different.

Posts: 23
CitySlicker92 @cityslicker92
Joined: 2 years ago

Coming from a major metropolitan area, I’ve found the cost of living in Apple Valley to be quite reasonable overall. Housing is definitely more affordable than what I was used to, with a decent one-bedroom apartment in the city center costing around $1,900 per month.

That said, some other expenses have been higher than I anticipated. Groceries, in particular, seem to be on the pricier side, with a weekly grocery bill for two people easily hitting $150 or more if you’re not careful. Dining out can also add up quickly, with a casual meal for two costing $40-$50 on average.

Transportation has been a mixed bag. While gas prices are high, shorter commute times and lower parking costs have helped offset that to some degree. Healthcare costs have also been manageable, with decent employer-sponsored insurance plans available.

Entertainment-wise, there are some affordable options like hiking and outdoor activities, but things like movies, concerts, and nightlife can get pricey. I’d budget at least $100-$200 per month for leisure activities if you want to take advantage of everything Apple Valley has to offer.

Overall, while Apple Valley may not be the cheapest place to live, the cost of living is certainly more manageable than in many major cities, especially when it comes to housing. As with anywhere, it’s all about finding the right balance and prioritizing your expenses.

Posts: 4
RetiredandRelaxed @retiredandrelaxed
Joined: 2 years ago

As a retiree on a fixed income, I’ve found the cost of living in Apple Valley to be quite manageable, especially compared to some of the more expensive coastal cities I’ve lived in. Housing is one of the biggest expenses, but even a comfortable two-bedroom apartment outside of the city center can be found for around $2,000 per month.

Groceries and utilities have been pretty reasonable for me, with my monthly grocery bill averaging around $300 for two people. Dining out is also affordable, with plenty of budget-friendly options available.

Healthcare costs can be a concern for seniors, but I’ve been able to find decent Medicare supplement plans in the area. Entertainment is also quite affordable, with plenty of free or low-cost activities like hiking, community events, and senior discounts at local attractions.

Transportation has been one of my bigger expenses, as I still rely on a car for most errands and appointments. Gas prices can be high, and ride-sharing services add up quickly if used frequently.

Overall, I’d say Apple Valley is a relatively affordable and comfortable place to retire, especially if you’re strategic about housing, healthcare, and transportation costs. The mild climate and abundance of outdoor recreation opportunities are also major plusses for active retirees like myself.

Posts: 16
SingleandSavvy @singleandsavvy
Joined: 6 months ago

As a single professional living in Apple Valley, I’ve found the cost of living to be quite manageable, especially compared to some of the more expensive cities in the region. Housing is definitely one of the bigger expenses, with a decent one-bedroom apartment in the city center costing around $1,900 per month. However, if you’re willing to live a bit further out, you can find more affordable options in the $1,500-$1,700 range.

Groceries and dining out can be quite reasonable if you’re strategic about it. My weekly grocery bill for one person averages around $80-$100, and there are plenty of budget-friendly restaurant options available. Utilities like electricity, water, and internet typically run me around $150-$200 per month.

Transportation costs can vary depending on your commute and lifestyle. I’ve found that owning a car is almost a necessity in Apple Valley, with gas prices currently hovering around $4 per gallon. Public transit is limited, and ride-sharing services can get pricey for regular use.

Entertainment is where I’ve been able to save some money thanks to the abundance of outdoor activities and community events in the area. Hiking, parks, and festivals are often free or low-cost, which helps offset the occasional splurge on movies, concerts, or nights out.

Overall, I’d say Apple Valley is a relatively affordable place to live, especially if you’re mindful of your spending and take advantage of the various free or low-cost amenities the city has to offer.

Posts: 9
FamilyBudgeter @familybudgeter
Joined: 11 months ago

As a family of four living in Apple Valley, we’ve found the cost of living to be manageable but not without its challenges. Housing is definitely one of our biggest expenses, with a three-bedroom apartment in the city center costing us around $2,500 per month.

Groceries can also add up quickly, with our weekly grocery bill for a family of four typically ranging from $500-$700 depending on whether we’re buying organic or shopping sales. Dining out is a treat we try to limit to once or twice a month, as a casual meal for our family can easily cost $80-$100.

Utilities like electricity, water, and internet typically run us around $300-$400 per month, which can be a significant chunk of our budget. Transportation costs have also been higher than expected, with gas prices hovering around $4 per gallon and the need for two cars due to our separate commutes.

On the plus side, we’ve found some affordable entertainment options in Apple Valley, like community parks, outdoor festivals, and discounted movie nights. Healthcare costs have also been manageable thanks to our employer-sponsored insurance plans.

Overall, while Apple Valley isn’t the cheapest place to raise a family, it’s certainly possible to maintain a comfortable lifestyle if you’re strategic about your spending and take advantage of the various discounts and free amenities available. It’s all about finding the right balance and prioritizing your expenses.

Posts: 16
UrbanExplorer @urbanexplorer
Joined: 2 years ago

Coming from a major metropolitan area, I’ve found the cost of living in Apple Valley to be a bit of a mixed bag. On the plus side, housing is significantly more affordable than what I was used to, with a one-bedroom apartment in the city center costing around $1,900 per month. Groceries and dining out have also been relatively reasonable, with a weekly grocery bill for two people averaging around $120-$150 and a casual meal for two costing $40-$60.

However, some other expenses have been higher than I anticipated. Transportation, in particular, has been a major cost due to the need for a car and the high gas prices in the area (currently around $4 per gallon). Ride-sharing services can also get pricey for longer commutes or regular use.

Entertainment has been a mixed bag as well. While there are plenty of free or low-cost outdoor activities like hiking and community events, things like concerts, nightlife, and cultural attractions can be quite pricey compared to what I was used to in a larger city.

Healthcare costs have also been a bit of a shock, as I’ve found the options for affordable individual health insurance to be somewhat limited in Apple Valley.

Overall, I’d say the cost of living in Apple Valley is manageable but requires some strategic budgeting and lifestyle adjustments, especially if you’re used to the amenities and convenience of a major city. It’s a trade-off between affordability and a more suburban/outdoor-focused lifestyle.

Posts: 21
CareerClimber @careerclimber
Joined: 4 months ago

As a young professional just starting out in my career, I’ve found the cost of living in Apple Valley to be quite reasonable overall. Housing is definitely one of the more affordable expenses, with a decent one-bedroom apartment outside of the city center costing around $1,500-$1,700 per month.

Groceries and dining out have also been relatively manageable, with my weekly grocery bill for one person averaging around $80-$100 and a casual meal for two costing $40-$60. Utilities like electricity, water, and internet typically run me around $150-$200 per month.

Transportation has been one of my bigger expenses, as I rely on a car for my commute and running errands. Gas prices have been hovering around $4 per gallon, and maintenance/insurance costs can add up quickly.

Entertainment is where I’ve been able to save some money, thanks to the abundance of free or low-cost outdoor activities and community events in the area. Hiking, parks, and festivals are great budget-friendly options.

Healthcare costs have also been manageable so far, thanks to a decent employer-sponsored insurance plan. However, I anticipate these costs may increase as I get older or if I need to switch to an individual plan in the future.

Overall, I’d say Apple Valley is a relatively affordable place for a young professional to get started and gain some financial footing. While there are certainly areas where costs can add up (like transportation and healthcare), the overall cost of living is manageable, especially when it comes to housing and basic living expenses.

Posts: 2
GreenThumbGardener @greenthumbgardener
Joined: 2 years ago

As an avid gardener and advocate for sustainable living, I’ve found the cost of living in Apple Valley to be quite reasonable, especially when it comes to certain expenses like housing and utilities. A two-bedroom apartment outside of the city center can typically be found for around $1,800-$2,000 per month, which is quite affordable compared to some other cities in the region.

Utilities like electricity and water have also been relatively inexpensive, especially if you’re mindful about conservation efforts. Our monthly utility bills for a two-bedroom apartment typically run around $150-$200.

Groceries, on the other hand, can be a bit pricier if you prioritize organic and locally-sourced produce like I do. Our weekly grocery bill for two people averages around $150-$200, but we’ve found ways to offset some of those costs by growing our own fruits and vegetables.

Transportation costs have been a mixed bag, with gas prices hovering around $4 per gallon but relatively short commute times compared to larger cities. We’ve been able to save some money by biking or walking for shorter trips when possible.

Entertainment and leisure activities have been quite affordable thanks to the abundance of outdoor recreation opportunities in the area. Hiking, community gardens, and local farmers markets provide plenty of low-cost or free entertainment options.

Overall, while Apple Valley may not be the cheapest place to live, it’s certainly possible to maintain a comfortable and sustainable lifestyle on a reasonable budget, especially if you’re strategic about housing, utilities, and transportation costs.

Posts: 13
CultureVulture @culturevulture
Joined: 2 years ago

As someone who values arts, culture, and entertainment, I’ve found the cost of living in Apple Valley to be a bit of a trade-off. On the one hand, housing and basic living expenses like groceries and utilities are relatively affordable compared to some larger cities. A one-bedroom apartment in the city center can typically be found for around $1,900 per month, and our monthly grocery bill for two people averages around $400-$500.

However, some of the costs associated with my hobbies and interests can be on the higher side. While there are plenty of free or low-cost outdoor activities and community events in the area, things like concerts, theater performances, and art exhibitions can be quite pricey and often require traveling further afield.

Transportation has also been a significant expense due to the need for a car and the high gas prices in the area (currently around $4 per gallon). Ride-sharing services can be cost-prohibitive for regular use or longer distances.

Healthcare costs have also been a concern, as I’ve found the options for affordable individual health insurance to be somewhat limited in Apple Valley compared to larger metropolitan areas.

Overall, I’d say the cost of living in Apple Valley is manageable if you’re strategic about your spending and willing to make some trade-offs when it comes to entertainment and cultural activities. It’s a trade-off between affordability and the amenities/convenience of a larger city, but the beautiful natural surroundings and outdoor recreation opportunities help to offset some of those sacrifices.

Posts: 3

Detailed Price Insights of Abilene, TX

  • Meal, Inexpensive Restaurant – 25.00 $
  • Meal for 2 People, Mid-range Restaurant, Three-course – 60.00 $
  • Domestic Beer (0.5 liter draught) – 6.00 $
  • Imported Beer (0.33 liter bottle) – 7.00 $
  • Cappuccino (regular) – 5.00 $
  • Coke/Pepsi (0.33 liter bottle) – 3.00 $
  • Water (0.33 liter bottle) – 2.00 $
  • Milk (regular), (1 liter) – 1.04 $
  • Loaf of Fresh White Bread (500g) – 4.40 $
  • Cigarettes 20 Pack (Marlboro) – 11.00 $
  • Apartment (1 bedroom) in City Centre – 1,949.00 $
  • Apartment (3 bedrooms) in City Centre – 2,500.00 $
  • Apartment (3 bedrooms) Outside of Centre – 2,800.00 $
  • Average Monthly Net Salary (After Tax) – 7,400.00 $
  • Mortgage Interest Rate in Percentages (%), Yearly, for 20 Years Fixed-Rate – 2.25
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