16 Year Old Male Average Weight –  According to Body Mass Index, BMI, The average weight for a 16-year-old male with a height of 6 feet is about 160 lbs to 175 lbs. 

FAQs Related to: 6 Year Old Male Average Weight

What is considered to be a healthy weight for a 6 feet tall 16-year-old male?

Generally, at the age of 16, a boy has an average height of 68 inches (5’6) and weighs around 135 lbs (61 kg ). From the age of 18 years, boys weigh around between 148 lbs and 160 lbs with an average of about 5 feet and 7 inches (5’7) and 5 feet and 8 inches (5’8). 

How does BMI ( Body Mass Index) classify weight and height?

The classification is listed in the table :

Classification of weight and heightBMI (kg/m2)
Underweight <18.5
Normal weight18.5 – 24.9
Overweight 25.0 – 29.0 
Obesity class I30.0 – 34.9

 According to BMI, what is the normal weight of a 16-year-old male body?

According to BMI, a 16-year-old should weigh around 53. 5 kg (118.0 lbs ), and the average height of a 16-year-old male body is generally around 162 cm (64.0”).

How much should a 6 ft male weigh?

A 6 ft (72”) male should weigh around 136 lbs to 172 lbs and 179 lbs to 208 lbs.

The height and weight chart by the BMI (Body Mass Index) are given below; you can be followed for reference :

Height Weight 
5ft 10” (70 inches)132 lbs to 167 lbs, 174 lbs to 202 lbs.
5ft 11” (71 inches) 136 lbs to 172 lbs, 179 lbs to 208 lbs.
6ft (72 inches)140 lbs to 177 lbs, 184 lbs to 213 lbs.
6ft 1” (73 inches)144 lbs to 182 lbs, 189 lbs to 219 lbs.

How to know if you are fat?

The Body Mass Index (BMI) number is designed to provide us an idea of how much body fat we have, a ratio of our height and weight.

It measures and calculates our BMI by taking the input of our weight in kilograms (kgs)16-year-old16-year-old16-year-old and dividing it by our height in meters square (m2). A BMI reading over 30 implies that you are obese. A BMI reading of over 40 means that you are severely obese. 

What is considered to be a good BMI number?

For adults, generally, the ideal BMI (Body Mass Index) is in the 18.5 to 24.9 range, which falls under the Normal range of the BMI. For children and young people between the age of 2 to 18, the BMI is normal and remains the same.

If you fall under the category of a normal range, it may also imply that you have a healthy body height to ratio units; however, the BMI do not take into account, the muscle mass and fats in our body, which implies that a healthy body is not sure even if you fall under the category of the normal range of BMI. The BMI uses your age and gender along with your height and weight to calculate the range of your body.

If you fall into the category of 18.5 range, it implies that you are severely underweight.  

How can I lose 20 lbs in the most healthy way?

The rule of weight loss is, you must burn calories more than you consume (weight loss= low calories intake + high calories burned). You can lose 20 lbs in the most healthy way if you follow the listed activity. But you must also know that no one size fits everyone when you try to lose weight.

What works for another person may not work for you, as nobody is the same; every single body is different from one another. However, the listed activities below are generally tactics that have proven to help in aiding weight loss.

  • Count your calories intake.
  • Drink more fluids, preferably water.
  • You should increase your protein intake.
  • Try to cut back your carb consumption.
  • Try to include more fiber in your diet.
  • Start lifting weight, it aids weight loss very fast.
  • Have a good sleep schedule, as sleeping for very few hours may contribute to weight gain.
  • Cut back on refined sugar.
  • Avoid greasy, oily, and fried food.
  • Try not to drink your calories, and instead eat them. Because drinking your calories will not make you full and you might end up consuming extra calories which do not help in weight loss.
  • Be accountable. 

Overall, you should not stress about losing weight, and take it easy, follow a good diet with a good workout routine and sleep schedule, you will lose 20 pounds of weight healthily. 

Should I stop eating to lose weight?

No, you should never stop eating to lose weight; if you stop eating to lose weight, you may notice in 2-3 days that you rapidly lost a few pounds, but the weight you lose by not eating well is water weight. You just lose the water stored in your body when you lose weight by not eating.

Your fat percentage remains the same. And whenever you will start eating in a usual way, you will gain back the lost weight and might even more than that. Overall you should never stop eating for losing weight as you miss out on the essential nutrients needed for your body to function well.

Moreover, not eating anything to lose weight might give birth to eating disorders, such as anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa, binge eating disorder, pica, rumination disorder, avoidant/restrictive food intake disorder.

How to lose weight as a teen?

You can lose weight as a teen by following the listed tips below:

  • First, set healthy and realistic goals; for e.g., you are 80 kgs, you cannot aim for losing 50 kgs in a month; that is an unhealthy and unrealistic goal. 
  • Cut back on refined sugar and sugary drinks.
  • Try to cut back on refined, processed food, and include whole food in your diet.
  • Keep moving and add physical activities like walking, jogging, and running to your daily routine.
  • Please stay away from FAAD diets as it’s highly unhealthy for your body.
  • Eat colorful veggies.
  • Have a great good night’s sleep.
  • Do not miss your breakfast!
  • Include nourishing food in your diet.
  • Eat a balanced diet.
  • Do not avoid healthy fats.
  • Avoid midnight snacking.
  • Have a light dinner.

How can a person predict how tall he will be in the future?

You can predict a child’s future height by following the stated steps:

  • Add the mother’s height and the father’s height either in inches (“) or in centimeters (cm).
  • Add 5 inches (13 cm ) if for the boy, and subtract 5 inches (13 cm) if for girls.
  • Then divide the outcome by 2.

BMI, acreage height, average weight, normal weight, 16-year-old male, normal range BMI, healthy body, diet, weight loss, teen, male weight, balanced diet.

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