Just like a human spine, a dog’s spine is also a complicated part that supports the body of your dog all the time.
Every dog’s movement tends to depend on the alignment and strength of the spinal cord, discs, and vertebrae that protect your furry friend. No doubt, the comfort, and health of your dog need to be your top priority.
Hence, it’s crucial to understand that one common illness that may affect your furry friend and their overall health is intervertebral disc disease (IVDD).
The good news is that you can find some treatment options and devices, such as WiggleLess back brace to help your dog with IVDD.
This post explains how a Wiggleless back brace can help your dog with IVDD.

The Intervertebral Disc Disease
The intervertebral disc disease which is sometimes known as a slipped disc or herniated disc refers to a painful syndrome that can happen when one or even more intervertebral discs experience a lesion.
Remember that IVDD is a quite common spinal disease that dogs usually suffer from. In most cases, this condition is a degeneration condition and age-related.
Practically, the spine of a dog has three different parts that include the lumbar, thoracic, and cervical. The lumbar spine supports the lower back and hindquarters.
The cervical spine holds the neck and shoulders while the thoracic spine holds the chest and the abdominal region.
When your dog is normal, the disc supports and shields when there are external impacts in these parts.
But their degradation or rupture can allow external risks that may damage the internal parts of your furry friend and cause a lot of pain.
There are multiple causes of IVDD. One of the common causes of this condition is the dog’s age. Others include hereditary conditions and obesity.
You should note that it can happen at any time with any breed regardless of gender.
It’s also crucial to note that this condition can happen gradually and various signs may appear in its early process and stages.
You need to consider the size of the dog’s legs and the length of the back of your dog. A dog that has short legs and a long back is more at risk of developing IVDD.
Remember that some breeds have more chances of having IVDD. These include Beagle, Dachshund, Poodle, Bulldog, Basset Hound, and Pekingese.
The good thing is that there are various ways available that can treat IVDD. You can find surgical and conservative treatments.
Surgical treatment usually involves fixing the affected disc that is giving problems to your dog’s spine.
Besides, laser treatment, sports rehabilitation, acupuncture, and back braces for canines are considered to be some of the popular treatment options.
You need to consult your veterinarian so that they can assess the alternatives for your dog’s case.
A Wiggleless Back Brace for Dogs
As explained earlier, one of the options when it comes to treating your dog with IVDD is to use the dog’s back braces.
A wiggleless back brace is a structure that is designed for you to quickly place on the back of your dog to reduce movement of the spine. In this way, you can decrease discomfort and pain.
A back brace brings various benefits by stabilizing the spinal column of your dog. It can usually be helpful when doing outdoor activities, such as light hiking, walking, or even during recovery.
There are various characteristics that dog back braces have. One of them is that they bring complete comfort to the dog. A back brace is designed to fit the dog naturally.
A dog back brace has also a special design that supports the back from various key points to maintain the stability of your dog’s spinal column.
In most cases, an ideal dog’s back braces need to support the spinal column and the muscles on each side of the spinal column.
A wiggleless back brace is usually suitable for both treatment and prevention. It provides regular enough pressure to reduce the painful effects on the nervous system of your dog.
Also, a dog back brace is an easy and secure system that you can put on and off. You can find different measures and sizes of back braces to offer the right care and pressure for your furry friend.
But before you decide to use a back brace on your dog, you may have to consult the veterinarian.
Thankfully, a dog back brace is quite secure, and you can use it as a preventive measure before IVDD develops. Further, a back brace offers your furry friend the chance to be more active and move and jump safely.
A back brace can help to reduce the pressure in parts of your dog’s injuries. When you decide to buy a dog back brace, it’s a good idea to find one that can support the spine as well as the surrounding epaxial muscles.
Also, the back brace for your dog has to match the contour of the dog’s back so that it can offer the right support.
Your dog needs to wear a wiggleless back brace so that it can help to relieve back pain and offer the spinal support they need to move comfortably.
With regular exercise and continued mobility, a back brace can prevent muscle atrophy. Unfortunately, this health condition is quite common when an injured canine is forced to be immobile.
You should note that back support cannot replace prescribed crate rest or medical care, so you have to consult your veterinarian to figure out if your dog needs to use a back brace.
Therefore, if you desire to offer the best comfort and care for your dog, you need to determine the behavior of your furry friend to understand their physical expressions.
If your dog has back problems, you may need to get a back brace, though this depends on the condition your dog is experiencing.
You can know that your dog is having back problems once you notice some behavior and physical signs.
These include paralysis, back pain, problems in urinating, arched back, shivering, reluctance to run, jump, or play, inability to walk, and neck stiffness.
When you identify any of these signs on your dog, you must consult your veterinarian right away for the right treatment.
There are good chances that the veterinarian can decide to do some examinations and tests to give you the correct diagnosis of the dog’s back problems.
To diagnose IVDD as well as other back problems, your veterinarian can run some common tests.
This includes X-rays of the spine of your dog, neurological tests and examinations, CT or MRI scans, and myelography.
Myelography is when your veterinarian administers an injection of dye into the spinal cord of a dog.
After reviewing your dog’s case, your veterinarian can recommend some measures, such as a wiggleless back brace to improve the condition of your dog.
Prevention Measures for Back Conditions
A slipped disk is considered to be a veterinary neurology condition that may happen in various ways.
It can happen when there is a rupture of a disc that may be caused by trauma like a fall from a height or road traffic accident. This can tear the annulus fibrosus.
Degeneration of the disc can happen due to a premature aging process. As a result, this can cause thickening of the dorsal area of the annulus fibrosus which may press on the spinal cord.
You should remember that disc degeneration tends to be more common in the parts of the spine which are usually exposed to the physical stress of the mid-back, lower neck, and lower back.
This condition can also lead to stiffening of the disc because the semi-liquid center can become dry and loses its cushioning properties.
When this happens, the annulus can tear to let the stiff nucleus come out and exert pressure on the dog’s spinal cord.
This form of degeneration is usually observed in breeds of dogs that have short bandy legs because these dogs have abnormal cartilage.
The Pekingese, Shi Tzu, and Dachshunds are some of the breeds that are affected by this condition, and signs can be seen at least when they are between two and four years old.
The good thing is that there are some measures you can take to prevent back problems for your dog. One of the measures you can take to avoid these back conditions on your furry friend is to encourage athletic activities.
Your dog can have a healthy life by doing moderate and regular exercises. A healthy and good diet can also be necessary to prevent obesity which can cause multiple health issues.
Aside from these, you need to use a back brace so that you can maintain a stable spinal cord as well as the dog’s overall health.
In conclusion, if your furry friend shows some signs of back problems, your veterinarian can do some tests and exams to determine their health condition.
In most cases, veterinarians usually recommend the Wiggleless back braces because they help to stabilize the spinal column.
Therefore, it makes sense to consult your veterinarian immediately if you notice the back problem signs, such as back pain and failure to run or jump.
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