The modern gaming industry is quite crowded with various projects and solutions for every taste.
But if you take a closer look, all such projects have their own similarities and trends, which determine the current direction of the development of games and the future of this industry.
Previously, trends were set by GTA and Elder Scrolls, then The Witcher and Cyberpunk joined the race.
In online projects, World of Warcraft is the leader, Lineage 2 partially contributed to the development of MMO RPGs, but in general, the Korean project about sieges and leveling up on monsters has not been in the best shape and popularity for a long time.
In this article, we will look at all the main trends and determining factors in the popularity of the most famous games, regardless of their genre. The MMO RPG is developing according to a slightly different scenario, but the general similarities between single-player and the exchange of ideas are also monitored.
The services also played a significant role in the popularization of online games – a format in which you can make small or large investments that will affect the overall interest in the game. Many gamers complain about honesty, but in fact, the level of donation always depends more on the developers. If they don’t stream donations and don’t give you the opportunity to buy expensive and rare items for real money directly, then there won’t be any problem. The main request often concerns simple gold, or pumping, which the Skycoach service will help you with, regardless of the game.
Dimaniacal World
In order for the player to like the game and keep him on the server, or inside the recreated world, his environment needs to be interesting and regenerative.
Simply put, a world in which there is life, even without the participation of the player, can bring a lot of new spontaneous events and events and does not make you want to leave the project, even after the completion of the storyline.
Let’s take a couple of examples for clarity:
- The Witcher 3
These are two largest projects that carry not only a huge number of hours to complete the story part, but also a large open world that lives on its own, even without the participation and influence of the player.

The Witcher 3
In The Witcher, these are populated villages and cities where residents talk, exchange news, laugh or quarrel, interact with animals and birds, or do everyday things.
Relatively speaking, a format in which you can do something else besides the main plot, even just ride a horse and listen to the conversations of simple NPCs, will already keep the player on the project for many more hours.
GTA is one of the most popular games in the entire industry, due to the concept of open worlds, great replayability options, an interesting plot for many hours and a gradual transition to online mode.
GTA has a very lively and active environment, which is not inferior to The Witcher, but takes place in a different period of time.
Residents will actively drive cars, drink coffee, swear and fight if two groups collide, and so on.
There’s always something going on in GTA, and it often leads to comical moments. Like a group of Mexican musicians who will throw down their instruments and run to beat up the NPC who was rude to them.
Adventure and Logic
Many players don’t like it when a game has a quest for the sake of a quest.
This means that the main tasks he performs are meaningless and have nothing to do with the overall story that the project tells.
At the same time, this story not only has a beginning and an ending but also adds various circumstances so that the player perceives two points of view and only then draws a conclusion.

Elder Scrolls Skyrim
Despite the fact that the project from Bethesda is not new, it is a standard example of ambiguity in games.
Throughout the game, regardless of the main line, you will be faced with a revolution in the country and the opportunity to join the Empire, or the Stormcloaks.
On the one hand, the choice is obvious – you need to choose the Stormcloaks, since at the beginning of the game the Imperials wanted to execute you and only a miracle and the beginning of great evil saved you from such punishment.
However, during dialogues with different soldiers, you will understand that not everything is so simple and the choice will be made more consciously and unemotionally.
New thoughts will come to you as you progress and complete tasks.
You won’t be able to join both sides of the conflict at the same time, so it’s recommended that you play through Skyrim at least twice to feel all the consequences of your decisions.
Skyrim also has an interesting storyline – you will meet a dragon who will save you from death, but it is his appearance that will mark a new era in the history of the continent of the same name.
You have to figure out your role in this story, learn to use your abilities, defeat the pseudo-dragonborn and the supreme dragon itself, in order to ultimately sit on the throne of the emperor.
New Ideas
There is a shortage of new ideas in the world – the same applies to the gaming industry. It’s funny that against this background, a lot of simulators have appeared that give players the opportunity to try their hand at realistic immersion in the profession.
So, you can try to drive a truck and travel all over Europe or the USA, try to open your own farm or gas station, or be the head of the border service.
But the new gaming experience does not end there – it is a rather monotonous process that you must delve into thoroughly.
For example, if you take a truck simulator, then you need to take into account the physics of the car and its dimensions, as in real driving – take into account speed control and carefully drive your car so as not to damage the cargo and other road users.
Business simulators, which replaced tycoon games, have a different level.
For example, you can open a gas station in the desert on a small highway.
You have to clear it, buy gasoline, open a store and warehouse, and restore the auto repair shop.
In fact, you will do everything with your own hands to turn a dirty hole into a thriving business, followed by hiring workers and automating all processes.
The difference is that now you don’t just build sections and watch the progress, but fully participate and make a personal physical contribution to the success of your establishment.
And this is far from the only example of a game where you can try out some form of business in every detail.
You can open a supermarket, restaurant, auto repair shop, and so on at your discretion.
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