Since each foot is 12 inches, anything or anyone that is 48 inches tall is exactly 4 feet tall. A yard is exactly 3 feet long, so 48 inches, which is 4 feet, is about 1.33 yards. One mile is 5,280 feet long, so there are exactly 1,320 lengths of four feet in a mile.
When You Were Four Feet High
Between the ages of 6 and 7, both boys and girls in the US have an average height of 48 inches, or four feet. At this height, boys and girls of both sexes should weigh between 36 and 60 pounds. From age 4, kids usually grow at least 2 inches per year until they reach puberty. At regular checkups, paediatricians often measure a child’s height to see if he or she is growing at a normal rate.
How to Find Out How Tall Your Child Is at Home
You’ll need a hardcover book and a pencil for this easy step:
Step 1: Pick a room with a hard floor.
Step 2: Make sure your child isn’t wearing shoes, socks, or clothes that are too big.
Step 3: Tell your child to stand up straight with his or her back against the wall. Their arms should be at their sides, and their heels should touch the wall.
Step 4: Tell the child to look straight ahead without tilting his or her head up or down.
Step 5: Put the book on the child’s head after making sure his feet are flat on the floor. Make a pencil mark on the wall where your child’s head touches the book by pressing the flat edge of the book against the wall.
Step 6: Use a tape measure to find out how tall the child is. Write it down next to the pencil mark on the wall (or simply take note).
Understanding Growth Patterns
Pediatricians tell parents to measure their children’s heights as soon as they can walk. Taking regular measurements and writing them down will help you and your child’s doctor figure out a pattern of growth so you can see how your child is doing. Growth experts like to have measurements from at least 12 months to help them figure out your child’s growth pattern. A clinical growth chart shows you where your child stands in terms of height compared to other kids the same age.
You can also track your child’s growth by downloading a growth chart app to your smartphone or another device. The app will help you keep track of your child’s growth and see how it compares to that of a healthy child with the same build.
The Inch and the Foot
The inch and the foot are both units of length in the British imperial system. This system is based on the old English units, which go back to when Germanic tribes invaded England in 450 CE. During this time in England’s history, the Anglo-Saxons used ways to measure length that are still used today.
The US customary units are mostly the same as the imperial system, except for how volume is measured. The table below shows how tall 48 inches is in other imperial system units.
One fathom is the same as 72 inches.
1 rod is 16.5 feet, so 48 inches is equal to.242 rods.
The furlong is about 1/8 of a mile long. A furlong is equal to 165 lengths of four feet.
The System of Units in Meters
Most of the world’s countries now use the metric system to measure things. The governments of the United States and the United Kingdom have also tried to get more people to use the metric system. This system of measuring is based on 10s, which means that each new unit adds or takes away 10 units.
In the metric system, the millimetre (mm), the centimetre (cm), the metre (m), and the kilometre (km) are used to measure length (km). In the metric system, how tall is 48 inches?
48 inches is equal to 121.92 centimetres.
4 feet = 1.2192 metres (1 ft = 0.3048 m)
With the US customary system of measurement, a person’s height is often given in feet and inches. In countries that use the metric system, a person’s height is usually given in centimetres.
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