In the United States, one quart is equal to 4 cups of water. A quart can hold two U.S. pints, or 32 fluid ounces. A pint is made up of two cups, and one cup can hold 8 fluid ounces. There are also 16 tablespoons or 48 teaspoons in a cup. This means that 64 tablespoons or 198 teaspoons can fit in a quart. A quart is a quarter of a U.S. gallon, as its name suggests. Even though the names of the U.S. customary units for liquid volume and the imperial units are the same, the actual measurements are not.


Units of the British Empire

Even though the British imperial system of measurement wasn’t standardised until 1824, it was mostly based on the English system. The English system of measurements goes back to about 450 AD, when Germanic tribes ran England during the Anglo-Saxon period.

During this time, people were already using measurements like the inch (or ynce), which is 3 barleycorns in length. The Saxons also used units of length called “foot units,” which were either 12 or 13 inches long. During this time, the gallon was also used to measure the size of something. Many of these units of measurement are still used frequently today.

British Imperial Units vs. US Customary Units for Volume

The old English system is what the US customary units of measurement are based on, not the newer British imperial system standards. Even though the U.S. customary and imperial systems of measuring are mostly the same, volume measurements are a little different. Using the metric system, the following shows how the two systems measure volume differently:

1 US fluid ounce is equal to 29.573 ml.

1 imperial fluid ounces = 28.413 millilitres

1 U.S. cup = 240 millilitres

1 imperial cup = 281.131 millilitres

1 U.S. quart = 946.353 millilitres

1 imperial quart = 1136.52 millilitres

The U.S. liquid quart holds 32 fluid ounces, while the imperial quart holds 40 fluid ounces. This is another big difference between the two systems.

Metric Method

Most countries have switched to the metric system, but the United States and the United Kingdom still use their own systems. Like the other units in the metric system, the volume units are based on 10s. For example, 10 millilitres equal 1 centilitre, 10 centilitres make up a deciliter, and 10 deciliters equal 1 litre.

Under the metric system, a cup is 250 millilitres, or a quarter of a litre. So, 1 U.S. fluid quart is equal to 3.785 cups in the metric system.

How to Measure for Cooking

When making a dish, it helps a lot to know the difference between U.S. customary measurements and imperial measurements. Even though the differences in measurements are small, even small differences in the number of ingredients and seasonings can change the taste and even make some dishes hard to eat.

How to handle the different ways of measuring

Having a good measurement converter app on your phone will help you get used to the different ways things are measured. A reliable digital kitchen scale and measuring tools for each system will go a long way toward helping you nail down recipes. Some recipes may not say whether the measurements are in U.S. customary units or British imperial units. You might have to try both to see which one works best for your recipe.

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