To play two-handed euchre, adhere to the same gameplay guidelines as for regular euchre, with the addition of dealing two cards to a fake hand. If the dealer is instructed to select the turn card from the top of the deck, the opponent has the option of claiming the dummy hand cards.

A normal deck of cards is used to play two-handed euchre.


selecting and dealing cards

In addition to the additional two cards delivered to the dummy hand, the dealer and opponent both receive five cards, dealt in sets of two and then three. The turn card is face up and the rest of the deck is positioned in front of the dealer. First opportunity for opponent to mention Trump. The opponent may pick mock hand cards and discard two of his seven cards from his hand if he instructs the dealer to take the turn card. The dealer can pick up the turn card, the fake hand, and discard three of his eight cards if the opponent passes.

choosing Trump

The opponent may designate a different suit as trump if the dealer does not take the turn card. If not, the dealer is required to designate trump and take cards out of the kitty.

playing euchre two-handed

The game continues as it would in a typical game of euchre if the opponent has the initial lead. To prove their point, the adversary must take three tricks. The player receives two points for taking all five tricks.

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