The epsilon naught value is synonymous with free-space permittivity, electric constant, or a positive permittivity. In addition, the epsilon naught has the symbol is ε0. Which is nothing but a greek alphabet. Additionally, the Epsilon are denoted by ε. In the same way the epsilon naught value having a constant that can be present at any part of the universe.

In addition, the Epsilon is the unit of the permittivity of insulating or dielectric material. Epsilon Net Value is one of the several challenging problems in Epsilon courses. The problems are hard and need a good grasp of concepts such as derivatives, momentum, integrals, and momentum change.

Now, let’s see how the exam is broken into several topics. On the first page of this blog, a graphic icon represents just about every topic. Students who wish to take Epsilon Naught value Physics have to answer these questions before moving on. It is a good idea for them to list the questions before going through the exam.


Introduction to Epsilon Naught Value

The epsilons naught value represent the dielectric permittivity of the free space. Every naught is an ideal physical constant that can represent the absolute dielectric permittivity of a vacuum. In other words, the epsilon naught quantifies a vacuum’s ability to facilitate the flowing of electric field lines through it.


For developing, the permittivity aspects, you need to take a positively charged particle, and they need to place it on the free space that is a vacuum. The direction of the electric lines of forces is outward for the positive charges and inwards for negative charges.

It moves in the direction of the lines of forces of the electric field will be outwards making equal solid angles between them.

Now, you can place material in the free space for covering it. In addition, the electric field lines will pass through these materials more easily as compared to the free space, and it creates functionality on it. In the same case, the materials’ permittivity is more than the permittivity of free space on them.

In addition, permittivity is the ability of a substance to allow the electric field to pass through it.

Approximate Value for Epsilon Naught Value

One can describe the permittivity of free space (ε0) as the capability of the classical vacuum to allow the electric field. The approximate value of Epsilon Naught is ε0 = 8.854187817 × 10-12 F.m-1 (In SI Unit) or ε0 = 8.854187817 × 10-12 C2/N.m2.

Epsilon Naught Units

The permittivity of free space (ε0 ) can be expressed using the SI unit and CGS units. Following the table, brief the Epsilon unit –

  Epsilon Naught in SI – Farad per meter or F.m-1

 Epsilon Naught in CGS – Columb square per Newton meter squared or C2/N.m2.

Understanding of Epsilon Naught Value

The representation of vacuum permittivity is by ε0, whose pronunciation is as Epsilon Naughty or Epsilon Zero. It is the value of a standard vacuum’s absolute dielectric permittivity. Alternatively, experts point to it as the electric constant, the permittivity of free space units, or the divided capacitance of the vacuum.

The CODATA value of Epsilon Naught is ε0 = 8.8541878128(13) ×10−12 F⋅m−1 (farads per meter) that has a relative uncertainty of 1.5×10−10.

An electric field can permeate a vacuum. This constant describes the electric charge units to mechanical quantities like length and force. For example, the representation of the force between two electric charges, whose separation occurs in the vacuum of classical electromagnetism with spherical symmetry, is by Coulomb’s law.

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Historically, the parameter ε0 has been referred to by several names. The widespread terms are “vacuum permittivity” or its variants, such as “permittivity of free space,” “permittivity in/of vacuum,” and “permittivity of empty space.” Moreover, standards organizations common now have made “electric constant” a similar term for this quantity.

The accepted standards documents have ended with the term “electric constant” but refer to the older terms as synonyms. As per the new SI system, the treatment of vacuum permittivity will not take place as a constant anymore but rather as a measured quantity whose relation is constant to the dimensionless fine structure.

Another historical synonym was the “dielectric constant of vacuum,” whose use took place sometimes in the past for absolute permittivity. However, now “dielectric constant” typically refers exclusively to a relative permittivity ε/ε0, and experts consider even this usage as “obsolete.” Rather, the experts now favor the term relative static permittivity.

Value of Epsilon Naught

The permittivity of free space (ε0) is the capability of the classical vacuum to allow the electric field. Furthermore, it is the definite defined value whose approach can take place:

so, ε0 = 8.854187817 × 10-12 F.m-1 (In SI Unit)

also, ε0 = 8.854187817 × 10-12 C2/N.m2 (In CGS units)

Numerous miss-use Epsilon Naught as the value of Epsilon not. Furthermore, permittivity refers to the measure of the opposition put up against the formation of an electric field.

The formula of Epsilon Naught Value.

Dimensional Formula of Epsilon Naught = M⁻¹L⁻³T⁴A²

Derivation of the Formula of Epsilon Naught

According to Coulomb’s Law:

F = (1/4πε₀) q1q2/r²

ε₀ = (1/4πF) q1q2/r²

Dimension formula of F=M¹L¹T⁻²

Charge = q = IXT = AxT¹, where A is = electric current

So, ε₀ = (1/M¹L¹T⁻²)(AT¹xAT¹)/L²

Moreover, ε₀ = M⁻¹L⁻³T⁴A²

Accordingly, the dimensional formula of Epsilon Naught sets out to be = M⁻¹L⁻³T⁴A²

Epsilon Naught Physics

In physics, the Epsilon Naught value has great significance. Some of them are listed below.

  • It describes the dielectric permittivity of the free space.
  • The value of Epsilon Naught is used in determining the dielectric constant of a material.

Hope you got to know the Epsilon naught value and Epsilon naught unit in SI unit and CGS unit, its significance and applications in various parts of physics.


The epsilon naught value is highly used to find the permittivity and physics for checking its exact value. The value is highly used for developing the mathematics and physics values on it.

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