By combining blue and black paint, you may create dark blue paint. It simply takes a few seconds to complete this. You’ll need a container, a mixing stick, black, white, and blue paint.
Determine how much paint is required.
To determine how much paint you need, take a look at the area that you want to paint. Always estimate the amount you’ll need to cover the surface completely.
First, add the blue paint.
Add the blue paint first because it is the basic colour. Put the necessary quantity in the container.
incorporate the black paint
Measure out the black paint with precision. Use only a tiny amount as first, roughly 1 part for every 10 parts of blue paint. Combine the two hues completely. Add more black if the blue is not dark enough to achieve the required shade.
Whiten the paint
Add white paint to lighten the hue if you accidentally add too much black paint and create a blue colour that is too dark for your purposes. Don’t add too much white; doing so will make the paint muddy and murky. White should be added in little doses at a time until the colour is adequately lightened.
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