Visitors to your humble home seem like a fun way to spend a sunny afternoon, but when those visitors are actually pests, things can take a turn for the worse!
Ants are one of the most common household pests, and contrary to popular belief, their presence doesn’t mean your home is messy or untidy.
Though ant infestations are hardly extreme, and they don’t cause the same extent of damage as termites, they are still frustrating enough to deal with!
Before you consider calling ant control services, it’s crucial to understand how these unwanted visitors are entering your home. More importantly, you need to consider which entrances need special attention in due time.

1. Cracks in the Wall
Most homes have some exterior and interior cracks in the wall, and chances are if air can enter the home, so can pests like ants.
There are many ways that gaps can occur, from poorly fitted windows to inadequately insulated door jambs. Ants are adept at finding their way into your home using these thin lines or cracks.
Older buildings are perhaps the most at risk for ant infestations. Due to the building materials such as brick or plaster used, they are the first to crumble or experience fissures over time.
Due to the natural aging process, ants use these compromised building materials as an entrance to your property.
Of course, by no means are these the only ways that ants can gain entry.
Small holes that are due to a lack of fitted plumbing pipes or places where heating ducts are simply not joined together properly also offer a way for ants to infest a space.
Perhaps the most common place where ants can gain easy entry is through old drafty windows that are broken or compromised.
The Fix: Make sure to get a proper handle on the situation by filling in any gaps or holes that are visible to your untrained eye. Doing so will prevent the infestation from worsening.
2. Open Windows
Most homeowners love to let natural air circulate in their homes, especially when the weather is nice. Unfortunately, ants are small enough to climb through window screen gaps or anywhere where they see a great entry point.
Wood rot is also a common problem that many homeowners experience with solid wood older windows. Ants can once again take advantage as wood rot can eat through windows in no time!
Ultimately, the fix is to replace rotted windows and to keep checking your windows for signs of rot.
3. Doors
Doors, whether open or closed, are ideal entrances for ants. Young children often forget to shut doors when heading outside, which makes it easier for a variety of insects to enter.
Of course, closed doors still can offer entry, but in a different manner. For example, doors that aren’t properly sealed along the sides or have gaps between the door jamb will make it easy for ants to camp out in your home.
Unfortunately, this is also the case with infrequently used doors. As you don’t notice the deterioration of the parts in time, you will allow ants entry without meaning to.
4. Utility Lines
There are plenty of holes that lead in and out of your home, especially when you consider the number of utility lines such as cables, water pipes, and electrical lines.
Where these lines meet, oftentimes, gaps are created. These gaps are the ideal entry points for any number of common household pests!
Though the holes are perfect entry points for a number of pests, they can also cause air leaks in the home. That means you will spend more money on heating and cooling costs as a result!
5. Foundation Gaps
Though your property may have been built on a solid foundation, there are still small gaps that occur during the construction process. It is these gaps that ants easily take advantage of!
These pests want food, warmth, and plenty of humidity, which is why basement foundation cracks are so inviting to them.
Unfortunately, when ants do make their way into your home, you will often need to take extreme measures to force them back out.
6. The Accidental Travelers
It’s also plausible for ants to enter a home through sheer accident. For example, stray ants may have infested a houseplant or camped out on groceries that you’ve brought home.
If that’s the case, they can easily reproduce and add to their numbers in a short period of time.
Ultimately, the solution is simple: always check everything twice before bringing it into your home. This is doubly true for items that have been in storage for a long while!
7. They Were Born There
In many cases, there’s the possibility that an infestation occurred because ants reproduced in your home and what you see is the result of months or years of being undetected.
A few ants are all that it takes for them to build a nest and reproduce in a fairly short amount of time. Colonies are quickly formed, and within weeks, you may have several generations of ants living in your house.
How To Get Rid Of Ants
If you notice the beginning stages of an infestation, you will need to act quickly and ensure you take the necessary steps to remove these intruders.
Though there are readily available insecticides and traps that can help eliminate your problem, professional pest control is the most reliable solution!
From ants to any other creepy crawlies, the right pest control services can help you get a handle on the situation.
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