A heterogeneous uterus is the word used to describe the uterus’ appearance following an ultrasound. It merely indicates that the uterus does not appear uniform during the ultrasound.
According to MedHelp, uterine fibroids and adenomyosis are two prominent reasons of a heterogeneous uterus. Uterine fibroids are benign muscular growths on the uterine wall, whereas adenomyosis is the expansion of normal uterine glands into the muscular wall of the uterus.
According to ZocDoc, both of these illnesses are quite prevalent, affecting approximately half of all middle-aged women. In general, the disorders are asymptomatic, however they have been reported to produce heavy menstruation, cramping, and stomach pain. Neither uterine fibroids nor adenomyosis have a significant impact on a woman’s capacity to conceive, but they should be discussed with and correctly identified by an OB/GYN in order to receive the appropriate therapy and care.
According to WebMD, both uterine fibroids and adenomyosis can be effectively treated with medicine or during menopause. In many instances, the conditions are harmless and do not require treatment; however, if the discomfort is severe, surgery may be necessary to repair the condition. Generally, surgery to remove uterine fibroids or adenomyosis is only performed when the problem is localised to a particular area of the uterus. In cases where a significant portion of the uterus is compromised, a hysterectomy may be performed to alleviate pain and irritation caused by the condition.
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